Sunday, April 15, 2018

Day 2 Mariachi Church Service

Today we had church at San Pablo, which is the church on the Ysleta Lutheran mission compound.
Prior to the service we had a bible study lead by the pastor's wife, focusing on 2 Kings Chapter 8, which dealt with God's timing and faithfulness to David's line.

Pastor Heimer starting the service
We were joined in the service by our fellow missionaries from Nebraska, as well as some local members of the community. When the service first started there were only a few local folks, but half an hour later when I glanced behind me the church was almost full with members of the congregation. There was a brief commissioning service for us by Pastor Karl Heimer, and then the service was turned over to his son, Pastor Stephen Heimer, for the message portion. The message, and the songs, were done in both English and Spanish. The message and scripture readings were read in English and Spanish alternatively, and the songs were song at the same time in both languages. How amazing it is to see the love of Christ seamlessly integrate itself across culture and language! The church service lasted about two hours, and we were thinking we should implement this time table into our services back home. Just kidding...

Children's message 
The service was also very communal, with members informally naming people whom they wished to be prayed for, as well as announcements. The pastor also greeted each person personally in attendance. The greeting given by most people to one another was" La paz de Cristo" which means: "the peace of Christ." These practices really added to the close-knit feeling of the community

Pastor Stephen Heimer is also the leader of a traditional Mariachi band, and his band, dressed in traditional Mariachi attire, preformed many of the songs at the service. The music was excellent and upbeat. They sang traditional hymns with the Mariachi flare of violins, a trumpet, and guitars! One of the younger members of the band had his  confirmation service at his home church prior to playing at our service. That young man, along with all with all the members of the band seemed to be excited and proud of their band, and eager to share it with others.

We are all excited to get out into the field tomorrow and are praying for God to use our team for the betterment of the community of Juarez, as well as spread the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Just as we are going to tell the people tomorrow, we may be giving them clean water to drink, but Jesus offers us living water!

Video if of the Mariachi band

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