Thursday, April 19, 2018

Team member Interview: Mark Preuss

Q: What motivated you to come on the Trip Initially?

A: "I got excited after my first trip and wanted to be a part of another. I have been praying to God and feel He lead me into it. 

Q: What surprised you the most about the Trip?
A: "The way that everything transpired. Nothing seemed to go according to plan and yet it was amazing. The other thing is the people in Mexico loved to see us and their hearts were so open. 

Q: Where did you see God at work today?
A: "I saw God at work as we did a prayer walk today. They were excited and grateful to pray with us. You hear all the time in America about sick and unemployed and poor and we saw it today with everyone. 

Q: What has been your favorite part of the mission thus far?
A: "I have multiple things. Playing with Christopher (see pic in previous blog). Out interpreterss and their willingness to converse with us, and the language barrier went away. 

Q: What has been the most difficult?
A: "Me working through my frustrations when things as planned or as I thought they should. 
Mark and Christopher.

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