Thursday, April 19, 2018

Team Member Interview: Alex Tyson

Q: What motivated you to come on the Trip Initially?

A: " I had went on a previous mission trip to Peru, and I saw what a lack of clean water did to the people, so I knew I needed to be apart of this water trip once it came up."

Q: What surprised you the most about the Trip?
A: " It is one thing to see poverty driving past it on the road, or on the news, or hearing about it from a friend. It is a whole other thing entirely to go into people's homes and see it at this level. "

Q: Where did you see God at work today?
A: "I saw God at work in a 12 year old Girl named Perla. We spent a lot of the day together, talking in my questionably functional Spanish. She made a plate in arts in crafts that said " God loves us all" and I made a plate that said, " Jesus me ama, la Biblia dice asi" which means Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so. I asked Perla if she wanted my plate and she did. She held onto both plates all day."

Q: What has been your favorite part of the mission thus far?
A: "Everything has been awesome. But I have especially loved interacting with the kids, building relationships with the translators and other members of the team. I also have really enjoyed making all the blog posts!"

Q: What has been the most difficult?
A: "Not being able to take some of the little children and puppies home with me!"

Alex and Lupe, the sweetest kid!

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