Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Team member Interview: Kay Shalfeieff

Q: What motivated you to come on the Trip Initially?

A: "I feel blessed and therefore I should give back. To whom much is given much is expected. This specific trip, I helped work on a 5 year mission plan and felt the call to be active. ."

Q: What surprised you the most about the Trip?
A: "This is my first water resource, trip (I have done eye glass missions in the past) and the need for clean inexpensive water is huge. This is a huge impact for the people living in poverty near the border."

Q: Where did you see God at work today?
A: "The opening today where we sang and clapped together in Spanish even though many of us don't know the language. The language barrier was not problematic and it started the day off right. 

Q: What has been your favorite part of the mission thus far?
A: " Bonding with people from SOTL and getting into deeper relationships. It is a joy to have time to spend together." 
Kay, Helping to Assemble a Filter.

Q: What has been the most difficult?
A: "Relaxing and accepting the cultural differences and just living within them."

Editors note:The culture in Mexico is much more laid back, not as dependent on time, and relationships with people trump the pull to move onto the next thing. 

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