Monday, April 16, 2018

Team member Interview: Joanie Koerschen

Q: What motivated you to come on the Trip Initially?
A: " I think it was an invitation from one of the people that were going on the trip. I had to make a decision at that point because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't do it and put it off and wait for a better time. But then I knew that there would never be a perfect time. I have always wanted to go on a MOST trip and I knew it was important to do so I just stepped out in faith and said, 'let's go!'"

Q: What surprised you the most about the Trip?
A: "It was a big surprise, and I knew it would be a surprise, that I had no clue about the church we were serving at, or the kids and adults;what to expect from them. I didn't knew who would show up or  what the location would be like."

Q: Where did you see God at work today?
A: "When we went into the homes I saw God  at work ministering to the whole person, as Jesus did. The people were in need and they were so grateful for what we could give them.

Q: What has been your favorite part of the mission thus far?
A: "Just meeting the people, and being able to share Jesus's love with them."

Q: What has been the most difficult?
A: "The most difficult has been the unknown."
Joanie Leading the Children's Class

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